When the Roman emperor Constantine converted to Christianity in 312 AD, he set in motion a trajectory of events that would shape the development of the Western world for almost a thousand years.
Debby, Thanks for your comments. I listened to the podcast you sent and resonate with many of the values discussed in the discussion. My motive and intention is to value diversity of thought in the interest of cultivating what I believe is the highest form of human intelligence: our collective intelligence. When we do this we make space for everyone's truths and values, and in so doing, people who see things differently are able to respect and value each other while holding different points of view. The main point of the article is that we are increasingly witnessing a fusion of a new religion with the state. The danger this poses is that perspectives that don't agree with this new religion are silenced, rather than engaged in dialogue. We are currently experiencing a level of censorship on a broad scale that I never expected to see in our lifetime. In the medieval Dark Age, dialogue was not possible because those in authority punished those who did not agree with their orthodoxy, even though the dissenters were often correct, as happened with Galileo. A return of this type of authoritarianism is already happening and is not healthy because it cuts us off from the opportunity to aggregate our collective intelligence. That is the risk that happens when a religion is fully fused with the state. Please note that the article respects the practice of Wokeism for those who find value in the beliefs of this new religion. The practice of all religions is protected by the First Amendment. What the article objects to is the imposition by the state of the values and beliefs of this or any particular religion upon an entire population. That would be a clear violation of the First Amendment. And if taken to an extreme, as happened in the past, could result in a modern day dark age.
Rod, I have to say reading this in many ways shocked me. But realizing, in my woke state, that your perspective is true for you gave me pause to continue reading your emails and trying to deeper understand your motives and intentions.
And as I try to deepen my understanding of your values I hope that you will mine.
Going to sleep last night I listened to this podcast and then listened to it again this morning and thought I’d share it.
Meditation and being in the present moment has brought me to my own truths and values.
Debby, Thanks for your comments. I listened to the podcast you sent and resonate with many of the values discussed in the discussion. My motive and intention is to value diversity of thought in the interest of cultivating what I believe is the highest form of human intelligence: our collective intelligence. When we do this we make space for everyone's truths and values, and in so doing, people who see things differently are able to respect and value each other while holding different points of view. The main point of the article is that we are increasingly witnessing a fusion of a new religion with the state. The danger this poses is that perspectives that don't agree with this new religion are silenced, rather than engaged in dialogue. We are currently experiencing a level of censorship on a broad scale that I never expected to see in our lifetime. In the medieval Dark Age, dialogue was not possible because those in authority punished those who did not agree with their orthodoxy, even though the dissenters were often correct, as happened with Galileo. A return of this type of authoritarianism is already happening and is not healthy because it cuts us off from the opportunity to aggregate our collective intelligence. That is the risk that happens when a religion is fully fused with the state. Please note that the article respects the practice of Wokeism for those who find value in the beliefs of this new religion. The practice of all religions is protected by the First Amendment. What the article objects to is the imposition by the state of the values and beliefs of this or any particular religion upon an entire population. That would be a clear violation of the First Amendment. And if taken to an extreme, as happened in the past, could result in a modern day dark age.
Rod, I have to say reading this in many ways shocked me. But realizing, in my woke state, that your perspective is true for you gave me pause to continue reading your emails and trying to deeper understand your motives and intentions.
And as I try to deepen my understanding of your values I hope that you will mine.
Going to sleep last night I listened to this podcast and then listened to it again this morning and thought I’d share it.
Meditation and being in the present moment has brought me to my own truths and values.
I wish You Peace,